Boxed Waves: A Unique Architectural Office Design

Combining Functionality and Sustainability

This project, designed by Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar, is an architectural office that showcases a perfect blend of functionality, creativity, and sustainability. Inspired by the philosophy of recycling materials, the design incorporates unique features that make it stand out from traditional office spaces.

The studio space has been transformed into an open plan with movable tables, allowing for a dynamic and interactive work environment. The highlight of the design is the curved partition storage wall, which not only maximizes space but also serves as a storage unit for the entire office. The wall features larger shelves that open towards the cabin, providing storage for documents, accolades, and books, while smaller boxes open towards the workstations, offering storage for books and other studio essentials.

One of the key elements of this design is the innovative use of recycled materials. The pantry partition and the boxes in the curved wall are made from cork wood that has been repurposed from old shipping containers. Additionally, the glass used in the flooring is sourced from old glass doors, adding a unique touch to the space.

The lighting in the office is designed to be versatile and customizable. LED strip lights in plastic tubes allow for three different configurations, making the lights suitable for various aspects of designing. Whether it's providing ambient lighting for the studio, concentrated lighting for laptops, or low-height lighting for model making, the lighting system adapts to the specific needs of the workspace.

Implementing recycled materials and ensuring their seamless integration into a conventional project posed several challenges. The design team had to source the materials and train the workers to work with reused materials effectively. Additionally, incorporating glass into the flooring required meticulous attention to detail to ensure a smooth transition from the kadappa flooring.

This architectural office design has received recognition for its outstanding creativity and resourcefulness. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2019. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

Boxed Waves is not just an architectural office; it is a testament to the power of sustainable design and the potential for creativity in reusing materials. By combining functionality, sustainability, and a touch of innovation, this design sets a new standard for office spaces.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar
Image Credits: Studio Kunal Bhatia
Project Team Members: Hiloni : Lead Architect/ Founder Avani Surani : Senior Architect Rahul : Senior Architect
Project Name: Boxed Waves
Project Client: Hiloni Sutaria Chudgar

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